Courses and Classes

See below for all of Lynn’s courses and weekly classes. We’d love to have you join.

Current & Upcoming Classes

Individual classes will appear throughout the year in response to topical issues that arise in my practice or in our daily lives. Courses will be announced both in my Newsletter and on this site. Topics are studied and addressed through an Ayurvedic perspective. 

Finding Peace Within 3 part series

Series #1       Self-discovery through fairy tales                                   October           4, 11, 18 2023   Register Now !(link)


Series  #2      Learning to Love Ourselves / December       6 , 13, 20 2023      

                      Befriending Our Shadow                                                             


Series  #3     Exploring your creativity, January 10, 17, 24 2024

                     the gifts of inner Peace                                                     



Time: 1-3 PM PST / 4-6 PM EST

Place: Zoom live

Cost:  $150 US  per series


Registration Information:

SERIES 1  Self-discovery through fairy tales  

Earlybird Registration

Payment by   9/29/23 $125 US

 Payments after 9/29/23 $150 US


PAYMENT  paypal link :



Optimal Digestion: An Ayurvedic Approach


This 6 session weekly course is designed to take you on a journey through your digestive tract to provide you with an understanding of how digestion works and to offer recommendations on what you can do to optimize your own digestion.

This course will be offered in English, although questions and answers will be provide in French, with pleasure.

6 Weekly Sessions - Live via Zoom

  • Explore the State of Your Own Digestion – Digestion Questionnaire

  • Identify the Factors That Optimize Digestion – Food Choices / Lifestyle Practices

  • Discover the Foods / Spices / Herbs That are Best Suited For Your Body Type

STARTING: Wednesday March 10th, 1 – 2 PM EST / 10 AM – 11 AM PST

COST: $180.00 CAD *Sliding Scale Available

FOR MORE INFORMATION and to inquire about Sliding Scale: Email

Introduction to Jyotish Astrology - Know Thyself

This 6 session course is both an informative and personal exploration of your unique blueprint from the perspective of Eastern Astrology and how this self knowledge can help you to maintain optimal wellness - the hallmark of Ayurvedic teachings.

This course will be offered in English, although questions and answers will be provide in French, with pleasure.

  • Discover your Constitution - Your Energetic Blueprint

  • Explore the Energies of the Planets & Learn How They Impact You

  • Identify the Themes That Drive Your Life Story

    6 Session - Live via Zoom

    STARTING: Monday, January 18th from 7:30 PM –8:30 PM

    COST: $180.00 Sliding Scale pricing is available.

    Please note: Prices are in US Dollars. Canadian prices at par.

    For More information and to inquire about Sliding Scale: Email

Weekly Yoga Practice - Online

Wednesdays at 11AM EST / 8AM PST

$20 per class. $108 for a package of 6 classes.

This Hatha/Iyengar style class features gentle postures to calm your nervous system, release muscular tension and boost your immune system.

Complimentary Meditation Classes

Gratuities gratefully accepted. Donate Here in US $ OR Donate Here in CA $

Daily Meditation Class

Lynn offers daily morning and afternoon 35 minute meditations on Zoom. Get more information, times and zoom link HERE.

Weekly Heart Centering Practice

A weekly guided twenty-five minute relaxation group focusing on the concept of heart-centering in order to find that peaceful place inside yourself where you find relief and peace.  Get more information, times and zoom link HERE.

Monthly Heart Based Meditation

Orientation to heart-based meditation course consisting of 4 one-hour online sessions. We will answer questions such as: What is the advantage of heart-based mediation with a trained practioner? Why is heart-based meditation particularly effective as a stress reduction technique in the midst of great stress and anxiety? 

New Heart Based Meditation Orientation classes start the 2nd Wednesday of the month and meet weekly for 4 weeks. You receive 4 classes on how to do Heart Based Meditation.

Each class includes a 20 minute meditation practice. 

Courses by Design

Lynn also offers Courses by Design. Classes and workshops focused on professional development and achieving optimal wellness can be tailored  for different organizations.

Email Lynn for more information.